Servant Resources


Overall Conference Prayer Topics

1.      To be reminded of the gospel and consider deeply the impact of  Jesus’ resurrection in our personal faith and witness to others.

2.      To fellowship and encourage one another in our walk of faith.

3.      To offer this conference as our prayer for world mission and the upcoming World Mission report.


Current Prayer topics

1.      Pray for messengers, Tom Kalapos and Steve Stasinos

2.      Pray for those who are preparing their life testimony.

3.      Pray for a couple more willing Resurrection testimony sharers.

4.      For all of the various coordinators and servants.

5.      For Bruno Assaunt or other international guest speaker.



Conference DropBox

Please use this link to upload any pre-recorded content:

We hope servants can pre-record as much content as possible.  We hope that all chapter introductions, special music, messages, and testimonies can be pre-recorded if possible.  However, if you prefer to do live, that is OK also.


Other servants such as Scripture readers or prayer servants do not need to pre-record, but can do so if they prefer.    


DropBox Link:


User name & Password:  (sent in a separate email)  contact Russell Kille if you need access.


*Note – If your video ends in the extension .mov  you may get an invalid extension error when trying to upload your video.  In this case, try compressing your video using a zip program that changes the extension to .zip.  You can also try changing the extension to something else like .mp4, or .zip.   Then send Russell a note and he can change it back to the original extension.  


All Servants

Continue to pray for the conference prayer topics.



Bible Study Leaders  (Coordinator: Peter Park)

            Bible study leaders, who are paired with another, please connect in advanced to pray and fellowship together.

            Link to Question Sheet:


Group Leaders

Group 1                 Steve Stasinos / Chris Hoffman

Group 2                 Russell Kille / Zach Baumgartner

Group 3                 Greg Lewis / Curtis Rodriguez

Group 4                 Jeff Gathergood / Brandon Edwards

Group 5                 Amy Stasinos /  Amanada Sullivan

Group 6                 Hanna Kang /  Mary Kim

Group 7                 Sarah Kayser /  Joanna Cha Jr.

Group 8                 Mary McWhorter / Pauline Park

Group 9                 Ruth Yoon

Group 10               Peter Park

Group 11               Rocky Myall

Group 12               Benjamin Westerhoff

Group 13               Luke Kim


Tech Servants  (Coordinator: Ruth Kille)

The next tech servant meeting is scheduled for Thursday April  8th at 6PM

Time: 6:00 PM EST

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 922 0762 0134

Passcode: 2841


                Tech Servants are Ruth Kille, Zhezhu Wen, Kirk Kayser, Russell Kille



Zoom Hosts  (Coordinator: Greg Lewis)

            All zoom hosts please meet for a short Zoom meeting on Thursday, April 8th  7PM EST

Time:  Thursday, April 8th  7PM

Zoom Meeting:

Dial in by phone if no computer: 312 626 6799

Meeting ID: 988 3751 7085

Passcode: 2841


            Zoom Hosts:   Greg Lewis, Kirk Kayser, Michael McWhorter



Prayer Servants  (Coordinator: Joshua Bang)

            Please be mindful of time and keep your prayer length to ½ to ¾ of a page.  (about 2 minutes).



Peer Groups  (Coordinator Dongjin Kang)

Group moderators – your role is to simply help facilitate the discussion among your peers.  Follow these guidelines to help make your peer meeting a success.


Peer Group Guide (PDF)


Group Moderators

Men 50+                                Peter Park / Henry Park

Women 50+                          Ruth Kille / Pauline Park

Married men < 50               Joshua Bang / Dongjin Kang

Married women < 50          Susan Lewis / Sarah Kayser

Unmarried Adult < 50         A.J Jordan /Joanna Cha Jr.

JBF-HBF                                  Maria Jun


International Guests  (Coordinator: Henry Park)



Children’s meeting  (Coordinator: Catie Pelland)

            Kid’s space will be Saturday at 1PM


JBF-HBF  (Coordinator: Maria Jun)

            JBF & HBF age students will meet at the same times adults are scheduled for Peer Group and Bible studies.


Life Testimonies  (Coordinator: David Kim)

            Testimony Sharers: Brandon Edwards, Chris Hoffman, Hanna Kang.


Resurrection Testimonies  (All Chapter Directors – follow up those willing to share from your chapter)

            Testimony Sharers: Amanda Sullivan,  Curtis Rodriguez, A.J. Jordan



Music Coordinator (Open to any willing volunteer – job responsibility – to pray for and follow up on the various music programs being prepared)



Overall conference (Russell Kille)

If you have any question, concern or need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you.  



Great Lakes Region Chapters

Akron, OH                              Isaak Kim

Ann Arbor, MI                      Joshua Bang

Buffalo, NY                            David Lee

Cleveland 1, OH                   Whit Cha

Cleveland 2, OH                   Luke Kim

Columbus, OH                      Henry Park

East Lansing, MI                   Peter Yoon

Erie, PA                                  Abraham Kim

Northwood, OH                   Paul Choi

Pittsburgh, PA                      Tom Kalapos

Toledo, OH                            Russell Kille, Greg Lewis


Friend of the Great Lakes Region

Indianapolis, IN                    Daivd Kim